Becoming a Reiki Master: Being Able to Heal Yourself and Others

Reiki MasterHave you ever experienced Reiki healing before?  Are you curious as to how to become a Reiki practitioner, as well as how to eventually become a Reiki master?  Are you curious as to what Reiki really is and how it works but never had the courage to delve further or were afraid to ask?  If so, you’ve come to the right place:  I would love to be able to be your guide, not only in learning about what Reiki healing is truly about, but more importantly, about how to become a proficient Reiki attunement Los Angeles practitioner.  As my students will attest, Reiki is not a talent but a skill.  This merely means that it is something that can be learned, practiced, and given enough time and work on the part of the student, eventually mastered.  My students  have gone through different types of reiki training Los Angeles and have received reiki

certification.  In each of my classes, I am able to demonstrate that reiki heals by way of understanding and developing positive energy in people’s minds and bodies.  We are here to help, and if you have even a bit of curiosity, please continue to read on about the classes that are available to you!
Are you interested in possibly conducting your own reiki sessions or reiki trainings someday?  These are both very realistic goals.  As a Reiki Master, I have received both the training and certification for myself in order to teach Levels 1 through 3, as well as advanced reiki mastery degrees.  My preferred teaching style allows for plenty of time for practice so that my students will be able to develop their own abilities at a pace that is

comfortable for them.  We offer classes and training sessions in Los Angeles which tend to be of a collaborative nature, where students are allowed to practice with one another, thus being able to give and receive at the same time.  An individual producing Reiki energy is already an amazing thing, but being able to multiply the amount of energy by those participating during one of our Reiki Share Meetings truly creates an amazing event that is hard to understand without experiencing it firsthand.
Topics that are covered in my Reiki level 1 certification Los Angeles Training include:

What is Reiki?
History of Reiki
Mikao Usui Reiki Principles
Energy Fields of Our Bodies
Energy Meridians
Self Healing Hand Positions
Reiki Meditations

I am extremely excited to be able to share this gift with others and to be able to see the tangible, and positive healing effects that it has on others.  Don’t be afraid to come join me, it could be the best thing you’ve ever done!  What is important is the prescription addiction treatment doctor.

Reiki Master of Los Angeles

Free Distance Healing

Distance Reiki Session Cost

Remote Energy Healing